Our text and copy writers have
over 60 years pooled experience
in marketing, TV advertising,
sales and communication,
including 20 years on web sites
After discussing your business
with you, we can produce
words and pictures
that explain what you do,
and how well you do it,
in ways that will encourage
your customers
to buy from you,
instead of buying
from your competitors..!
At Interstellar, we say
web sites are like telephones…
they all work pretty well…
but it’s what you say
and how you say it
that really makes the difference..!
Interstellar was formed in 1996 by
directors with over 40 years combined
experience in the creation of 2000 TV
With only 30 seconds of screen time
available, successful TV commercials
have to "get the message across" very
quickly and precisely.
The same goes for web sites, but they
seldom have sound and moving pictures
to help... so the text content, the choice of
words and the way the words and ideas
are presented and displayed are critical.
The ability to convey your name, products
and services, location and other contact
details, and the unique properties of your
all have to be explained very quickly...
and still be complete.
TV Script Writing
+ Web Site Text Writing
After our long TV writing experience, we
now have a further 24 years experience,
writing and producing over 600 web sites
from "scratch", for clients in many
industries and categories..
How we do it
Any advertising and other promotional
material about your business,
such as brochures, press ads,
catalogues or a company profile
can be a big help in giving us a
"feeling" for your business, your
products and your services. Naturally
we're keen to incorporate any existing
artwork, logos, corporate colour
combinations, etc. This information
helps associate your site with your
existing public image...
but even if you don't have any of this
material, we start by taking the time
and trouble to discuss your business
with you...
- what exactly do you do..?
- what do your customers want..?
- what do your customers need..?
- what do you do that makes you
- what makes you special..?
- and why should anyone buy from
you instead of your competitors..?
All these questions must be answered
by your web site, quickly and
and in an interesting way…
so that potential customers stay
on your web site to read your full
story, rather than skipping off
to look for another supplier.
The "AIDA" principle
In advertising, marketing and selling,
there is an old slogan called
the "AIDA Principle"
These four letters guide us in writing any
advertising or promotional text.
A - Attention:
the web site MUST attract attention
and you only have a few seconds
to do that..!
I - Interest:
the web site MUST arouse
the viewers interest..!
D - Desire:
there MUST be information
on the web site that makes the
potential customer really want
to do business with you..!
A - Action:
you MUST give the visitor the
opportunity to "take action"
not tomorrow or next week...
but right now..!
You must have some sort of
interactive form,
so that the viewer can send you
a message...
or ask you a question...
so they can "start a conversation"
with you...
the first step in doing business
Do we have your Attention..?
Are you Interested...?
Do you Desire a professional web site
to promote your business..?
Then take Action..!
Take the first step NOW..!
Use this simple Contact Form
to reach us and ask us a question...
- tell us who you are
- tell us how to reach you
- tell us what you want and need..!
- and tell us how we can help you..!
Website design & construction by
Interstellar - copyright 1996-2023
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If you have another computer, portable
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Copywriting with marketing in mind