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eMail systems - custom design,
installation & management
Making the most of
your eMail system
When we build your web site and we provide
the hosting, we can design and incorporate
your complete eMail system to allow
eMail addresses for all business owners
and key staff,
Now… all Interstellar hosted web sites have
full-featured . . .
eMail vs The Rest
Some people still prefer face-to-face contact
and that limits their technological advantages,
but just compare eMail to other forms
of communication.
If you already have a connection
to the Internet - and you probably do…
then your eMails are free..!
Because your eMails are free…
you can make your message
as long as you like.
Unlike a telephone conversation,
the two parties do not have to be
available at the same time…
and this can be a distinct advantage
if you’re in different time zones…
travelling… or conducting business
between Sydney and Perth…
or New Zealand.
You can attach any documents,
images and many other kinds of
files… regardless of size or content.
You can take your time to compose
an eMail and not send it until
you’re happy with it.
Equally your correspondent does not
have to give an immediate response.
You might not even need a reply…
you might just be sending a “one-way”
message… passing on information.
Your eMail system can be used
in conjunction with forms…
Contact Forms, Booking forms…
taking orders or making sales
through an On-line Shop…
even taking credit-card payments.
You can have any number of forms
with individual addresses, and some
of them can receive specific in-coming
eMails and send specific pre-formatted
responses to suit special situations.
eMail provides a written record,
in digital-text format…
which you can “cut-and-paste” into
another document without re-typing,
or forwarded as a new email…
If you receive instructions or a
purchase order, you don’t have to
remember what was said… you can
follow the written instructions…
or even pass them to someone else to
carry out…
and if you give instructions or an
order, you have a written record of
exactly what was “said”..!
to identify, isolate and delete
unwanted SPAM ..!
eMail that works..!